Our governors
St Paul’s School is a not-for-profit foundation, wholly committed to the education and development of its pupils and community. Overall governance is the responsibility of a Board of Governors whose members are appointed by representatives (or Trustees) of the British community. Governors and trustees are UK nationals; the UK Consul General sits on the Board and The British Ambassador to Brazil is the honorary President.
The Governors appoint the Headmaster who is responsible for the day to day running of St. Paul’s School and work hard to support him and the School Executive to ensure the continued excellence of the education it offers. The overall task of the Board of Governors is to ensure that the school runs successfully and smoothly in accordance with its stated aims. Below is the current list of Governors and Trustees:
His Majesty King Charles III
Honorary President
His Majesty’s Ambassador to Brazil, Ms Stephanie Al-Qaq
Mr John Pacey (Old Paulean) - Senior Trustee
Mr Phillip Krinker (Old Paulean)
Mr Edward Weaver (Old Paulean)
Mr Anthony Jezzi (Old Paulean - ex-officio)
Mr Philip Reade (Chairman)
Mr Duncan Thomas (Vice Chair – Old Paulean)
Mr George Kerr (Treasurer – Old Paulean)
Mrs Isabella Renwick Magano (Secretary - Old Paulean)
Mr Kieran McManus (Chair of the Fundação Britânica de Beneficência)
Mr Raoni Leonard (Board member - Old Paulean)
Mr Pedro Del Priore (Board member)
Invited members
Mr Christopher King (Former Chair of HMC and CEO of IAPS, Visiting Consultant Governor)
Written correspondence for the attention of the Chairman should be addressed to: Chair of the Board, a/c St. Paul’s School, Rua Juquiá, 166, Jd. Paulistano, São Paulo – SP – 01440-903. This can either be posted to the school or handed in a sealed envelope to the receptionist. You can also send an email to head@stpauls.br