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Exams results

Exams' results

IB Diploma Programme

The 2023-2024’s cohort of boys and girls have done brilliantly with a 100% pass rate and 75 pupils achieving the diploma. The average points score of St. Paul’s pupils is 35.4 points, compared with 34.7 last year. The global average is 30.32 points.

Around 22% of the individual grades were 7 and we are especially proud of our 18 high fliers who scored 40 or more points from a maximum of 45. Across the board the results were excellent.  The top score in each subject is 7 and some subjects have done exceptionally well with very high proportions of 6 and 7 grades. They all deserve special congratulations for their efforts and success.



In August, over 200,000 pupils around the world received their Cambridge IGCSE results. At St. Paul’s, the new Sixth formers are celebrating - with over half the results being A*-A grades, and 22% being the very highest A* grade.

75% of the grades are in the range A*-B. We are particularly proud of those 9 students who achieved all A*s & A grades in their subjects; a really wonderful achievement. Join us in celebrating every pupils on their success.

Join us in celebrating all pupils on their success. 

News about our results